Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The 2nd Attempt

Lately I have been feeling like i need to read more of the Bible. A couple of months ago I made an attempt to read the new book the Bible in 90 Days. I started but then I just quit. I used the exact same excuses everyone else does. I have had it pressed on my heart by God to make my second attempt at The Bible In 90 Days! I will begin reading it tommorrow morning for my quiet time. I ask that you will pray that I will make it through reading all of it in a short 90 days. I will keep the blog updated with the things that God is revealing to me in my studies. I hope that this experience will help me gain more knowledge of the Bible. I pray that God will enrich my life through his word that I might become stronger spiritually. I also have another thing to share. On Mondays I teach Good News Club which is a club that Wedgwood Baptist Church does in many of the schools in the area. This is my second year teaching. I have enjoyed it so much and it's a wonderful experience. The kids teach me more than I teach them! In the past two weeks there has been a serious presence of God and 9 children have excepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts. I'm so thrilled and I want everyone to be praying that these kids can grow in their relationships with God! God is so Mighty and so Powerful and this is just a wonderful reminder of it!